The SHT21 has a capacitive sensor element to measure humidity, while the temperature is measured by a band gap sensor. Both sensors are seamlessly coupled to a 14-bit ADC, which then…
The MQ-2 is a fairly low cost sensor that can detect LPG, i-butane, propane, methane ,alcohol, Hydrogen, smoke. There are a wide variety of shields and modules that can be bought…
This example will read the temperature using the built in temperature sensor on the Arduino Esplora and display it on the LCD Code [codesyntax lang=”cpp”] #include <Esplora.h> #include <TFT.h>…
Recently I had problems getting my Arduino and ethernet shield working correctly, I found the following code which basically reports via the serial monitor whether the SD card is available…
In this example we connect a 16×2 LCD with an I2C backpack, this backpack allows us to only use 2 pins to connect our LCD to an Arduino, so if…
In the following example we connect a capacitive touch switch to an Arduino and when a touch is detected we will switch on an LED. I used the following capacitive…