This was another example of driving an 8×8 LED matrix , this time we decided to use Johnny-five ( , we were having a play about with Javascript.
The process is as simple as
- Install Node.js (Prefer 4.2.1 LTS).
- Setup your board.
- Run:
npm install johnny-five
To setup your board you need to upload the StandardFirmata sketch to your Arduino. You can find this in Examples -> Firmata.
We will now connect the 8×8 LED matrix module up
I used the following pin connections
DIN: 8 CLK: 10 CS: 9
In this code example I have set the com port of my Arduino to 5, I noticed that by default it would try and connect to the first com port 1 on my system and would not run, you will have to change this to the com port of your Arduino board
[codesyntax lang=”javascript”]
var five = require("johnny-five"); var board = new five.Board({ port: "COM5" }); board.on("ready", function() { var matrix = new five.Led.Matrix({ pins: { data: 8, clock: 10, cs: 9 } }); matrix.on(); var msg = "arduino".split(""); // Display each letter for 1 second function next() { var c; if (c = msg.shift()) { matrix.draw(c); setTimeout(next, 1000); } } next(); });
Save this as 8×8.js in your Johnny-five directory, mine was located at C:\Users\MyName\node_modules\johnny-five.
Run the example from the command line by typing in the following
node 8×8.js