Arduino and I2C 1602 Serial LCD example

In this example we connect a 16×2 LCD with an I2C backpack, this backpack allows us to only use 2 pins to connect our LCD to an Arduino, so if you are limited with regards to the amount of I/O you have available then this can be an ideal solution because this LCD uses an I2C module other than VCC and GND the only 2 connections you need are SDA and SCL which are A4 and A5.

Here is  a typical example of this LCD and the I2C module which is fitted to it, this is the LCD I use in this example

lcd i2c 1602

Here is a schematic showing how to connect the LCD up

arduino and i2c lcd


This uses the, download, extract and copy to your libraries folder as usual

We will simply display hello world on the LCD, watch the address below if you buy this from a different manufacturer as it can be different, use th I2C scanner link in the comments to detect the I2C address.

[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]

#include <Wire.h> 
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
//use the i2c scanner at
//to get the address below
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x3F,16,2);  // set the LCD address to 0x3f for a 16 chars and 2 line display
void setup()
  lcd.init();// initialize the lcd 
  // Print a message to the LCD.
  lcd.print("Hello world");
void loop()




SainSmart IIC/I2C/TWI 1602 Serial LCD Module Display for Arduino UNO MEGA R3 *Blue on White*

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