Arduino temperature logger
In this example we will expand the SD card example we did previously and we will add a DS18B20 temperature sensor. We will log the results of the sensor to…
In this example we will expand the SD card example we did previously and we will add a DS18B20 temperature sensor. We will log the results of the sensor to…
The MMA7455 accelerometer is a fairly low cost sensor that can measure acceleration in three axes. This sensor is commonly available as a breakout board that you can connect to…
This is a quick example showing how to connect an IR Reciever. Most of these work the same way, they require Vcc(5v), GND and there is a data out which…
In this example we will experiment with a DS1307 breakout, a keypad/LCD shield and an Arduino. We will create a simple clock example. The DS1307 real-time clock is a low-power,…
When you are looking for low cost sensors to begin experimenting with then a PIR is a nice low cost option. In the following example we will demonstrate the HC-SR501 PIR sensor,…
This example shows how to drive a seven segment display, this is the most basic example in which we use various digital pins as outputs, 7 in this case. In…
We bought an ethernet shield for our Arduino’s and were wondering what sort of project could we do, we could have just made one of the default examples such as…
We have a few examples of using the LOL Shield to produce some pretty patterns but how about a basic game, in this case a dice throwing game. I used…
I recently bought a nice looking shield for experimenting with, it was based on a Nokia LCD, I believe is used in the Nokia 6100 mobile phones. Its a colour…
In this example we show how you connect a photoresistor to an Arduino, the value read from the photoresistor corresponds to the amount of light present. The photoresistor is connected…