In this project we will display temperature from a DS18B20 on an OLED display.
Here is a picture of my project, you can see the temperature displayed on the OLED and the DS18B20 sesnor with an onboard power indicator LED
LCD Wiring:
LCD pin | Espruino |
VCC | 3.3 |
SDA | B7 |
SCL | B6 |
DS18B20 Wiring:
DS18B20 module | Espruino |
VCC | 3.3 |
DQ (Data pin) | B13 |
Here is a layout diagram of the project, the DS18B20 module I used is represented on the breadboard
The code is fairly simple, you can change the pin that the DS18B20 connects to on the following line – var ow = new OneWire(B3);
There is also a temperature conversion from celsius to fahrenheit – var fahr = celsius * 1.8 + 32;
Another line worth looking at is the rounding of the temperature reading – celsius = Math.round(celsius*10)/10;
[codesyntax lang=”javascript”]
require("DS18B20"); require("SSD1306"); // I2C I2C1.setup({scl:B6,sda:B7}); var ow = new OneWire(B3); var g, temp; function onInit() { clearInterval(); temp = require("DS18B20").connect(ow); g = require("SSD1306").connect(I2C1, function() { setInterval(onTimer, 500); }); } function onTimer() { // Get the temperature var celsius = temp.getTemp(); var fahr = celsius * 1.8 + 32; // Round it to the nearest 0.1 celsius = Math.round(celsius*10)/10; fahr = Math.round(fahr*10)/10; // display the celsius and fahr g.clear(); g.setFontBitmap(); // simple 8x8 font g.drawString("Temperature",2,0); g.drawLine(0,10,84,10); g.setFontVector(20); // large font g.drawString(celsius+ " c", 0, 15); g.drawString(fahr+ " f", 0, 40); g.flip(); // copy this to the screen }; onInit();
MK00237 Small temperature sensor temperature measurement module DS18B20 module 18B20 module