8051 rotating LEDs examples
Again using the ARm + 8051 development board Example 1 #include<reg52.h> void Delay(unsigned int t); void main (void) { unsigned char i; Delay(50000); P2=0x7f; while (1) { for(i=0;i<8;i++) { Delay(50000);…
Again using the ARm + 8051 development board Example 1 #include<reg52.h> void Delay(unsigned int t); void main (void) { unsigned char i; Delay(50000); P2=0x7f; while (1) { for(i=0;i<8;i++) { Delay(50000);…
This example was written using Keil UV2, the board in question was a 8051/ARM development board that I purchased from China. The micro was a STC90C516RD+ The LEDs are connected…
This example was toggling an RGB LED connected to digital output pins 5, 6 and 7. The particular Maple variant was the one found at Olimexino Code void setup()…
This time we will create a more practical example of connecting an Arduino to a PC and then writing an app to read data via the com port. In this…
In this example we will use analog pin 0 to obtain a value and send it via the com port (USB) , we will read this with a C# app…
This example uses the NET Micro Framework Toolbox available from http://netmftoolbox.codeplex.com/ We simply flash a RGB LED . Code using System; using System.Threading; using Microsoft.SPOT; using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware; using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware; using…
In this example we will expand the SD card example we did previously and we will add a DS18B20 temperature sensor. We will log the results of the sensor to…
In this example we connect an SD card to our Arduino, we will log analog readings to a file on the SD card. Here is the layout Code #include…
This was an RGB Led breakout example Red connected to Pin 23 Green connected to pin 22 Blue connected to pin 21 The code example simply cycles through the 3…
This was a simple example to show sending information using the serial monitor, in our other examples we have generally used the serial monitor for debug, outputting messages. This example…