HDC1008 sensor readings displayed on a LCD4884 shield
In this article we will connect an HDC1008 sensor and connect it to a Nokia 5100 shield. We will display the humidity and temperature in celsius on the display The…
In this article we will connect an HDC1008 sensor and connect it to a Nokia 5100 shield. We will display the humidity and temperature in celsius on the display The…
This was a 128 x 32 OLED display that I purchased , the module does not need a backlight, self-illumination, the display performance is better than the traditional LCD display,…
In this example we will create a temperature meter using a mcp9808 sensor and display the readings on an LCD shield Lets look at the mcp9808 first The MCP9808 digital temperature…
In this example we look at an VEML6070 UV sensor and connect it to an Arduino UNO, the code example will not use any external libraries VEML6070 is an advanced…
In this example we will look at SPIFFS , SPIFFS, or spiffs (Serial Peripheral Interface Flash File System) is a method for creating a file system in NOR-type flash memory…
We are going to look at a WS2812b led or neopixel in this example, again we use a Wemos mini and an RGB LED shield Lets take a look a…
In this particular example we are going to store temperature readings from a DHT11 on an sd card we will be using a Wemos mini and a variety of shields…
In this particular example we are going to display temperature readings from a DHT11 on an OLED display, we will be using a Wemos mini and a variety of shields…
In this particular example we are going to display temperature readings from a BMP180 on an OLED display, we will be using a Wemos mini and a variety of shields…
In this particular example we are going to display temperature readings from a DS18B20 on an OLED display, we will be using a Wemos mini and a variety of shields…