Arduino Leonardo, Micro Pro, Teensy 3.0 or later. Any micro that you can simulate a keyboard basically
Rubber Duck Script
[codesyntax lang=”dos”]
DELAY 3000 GUI r DELAY 500 STRING notepad DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 750 STRING Hello World!!! ENTER
To convert this to Arduino code visit https://thehacktoday.com/ducky/, paste the code above and then click compile. You then get the Arduino code in the right hand side which can be pasted into the IDE
Arduino Code
Here is the script above converted to Arduino code
[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]
/* * Generated with <3 by Dckuino.js, an open source project ! */ #include "Keyboard.h" void typeKey(uint8_t key) { Keyboard.press(key); delay(50); Keyboard.release(key); } /* Init function */ void setup() { // Begining the Keyboard stream Keyboard.begin(); // Wait 500ms delay(500); delay(3000); Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_GUI); Keyboard.press('r'); Keyboard.releaseAll(); delay(500); Keyboard.print("notepad"); delay(500); typeKey(KEY_RETURN); delay(750); Keyboard.print("Hello World!!!"); typeKey(KEY_RETURN); // Ending stream Keyboard.end(); } /* Unused endless loop */ void loop() {}