In this example we connect a 16×2 LCD with an I2C backpack, this backpack allows us to only use 2 pins to connect our LCD to an Arduino, so if…
In this example we connect an LDR to an analog pin of our Chipkit Uno32, depending on the reading we will then vary how bright an LED will be lit…
In this example I connected a Sainsmart LCD shield to the ChipKIT uno32, this is a common shield featuring a 16×2 LCD and 6 push button switches. In this example…
Recently I was browsing some electronic sites looking at some of the development boards and kits that are available when I noticed the Chipkit UNO, this was advertised as being…
In this example we connect a DS18b20 temperature sensor to our Raspberry PI and read in the value, here is the schematic for this. Start the terminal and entering…
In our previous example we flashed an LED on, here are another couple of examples This will flash the led on and off [codesyntax lang=”python”] import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import…