The first thing you will need that makes things easier is to download and install the LedControl Arduino library as it is essential for using the MAX7219. Code #include…
Similar to the previous single colour LED example this is for an RGB led, we use pin 6, 7 and 8 Code //simple button GET server code to control…
While browsing through the mikroelectronika website and looking at available downloads, I noticed their Basic compilers for various microcontroller architectures. So after downloading the 8051 version and installing lets look…
Its fairly straightforward to connect a 7 segment display to your 8051 processor, in this example we will do this and show a code example which cycles through the numbers…
Recently I purchased several 8051 type development boards from China, most of the examples were written in Keil. As a test I decided to see if i could get any…
A very simple example that toggles a set of 8 LEDs based on whether a switch is pressed or not The switch is connected to Port 3.0, the LEDs are…