This is a shield that I decided to buy, it was a nice beginner related board with some basic functions. Here is a picture of the board, a few code…
Another MAX7219 example using random numbers to randomly light an LED in the matrix, you may want to increase the delay Code #include “LedControl.h” // need the library LedControl lc=LedControl(12,11,10,1);…
Similar to the previous single colour LED example this is for an RGB led, we use pin 6, 7 and 8 Code //simple button GET server code to control…
This requires an ethernet shield and an LED connected to pin 6. Copy the code into a new sketch and upload it to your arduino and then open your web…
In this example we will use analog pin 0 to obtain a value and send it via the com port (USB) , we will read this with a C# app…
In this example we will expand the SD card example we did previously and we will add a DS18B20 temperature sensor. We will log the results of the sensor to…