In this example we will show you how to connect a 7 segment display to our Atmega128. You can think of a 7 segment display as 7 individual LEDs in…
AVR Code
In this example we connect a MAX7219 seven segment display to our ATmega16, the connection was as follows VCC → 5V GND → GND DIN → PB5 CS → PB0…
Being interested in various microcontrollers means we purchase lots of modules, development boards and sensors. One of these is the ARduino of which we have purchased many different shields, as…
This is a very similar example to our ATMEGA16 and LCD example. We simply connect our 16×2 LCD display to our Attiny2313 PORTB. Again for simplicity the code is written…
This example is the hello world of LCD examples, we display that text on the LCD in question. Connection is straightforward and you can see it at the top of…
A couple of simple examples, we used an RGB LED breakout. This was a common anode type, so to switch an LED on you need to switch the appropriate port…