In this example we will show you how to connect a 7 segment display to our Atmega128. You can think of a 7 segment display as 7 individual LEDs in …
AVR Code
In this example we connect a MAX7219 seven segment display to our ATmega16, the connection was as follows VCC → 5V GND → GND DIN → PB5 CS → PB0 …
Being interested in various microcontrollers means we purchase lots of modules, development boards and sensors. One of these is the ARduino of which we have purchased many different shields, as …
This is a very similar example to our ATMEGA16 and LCD example. We simply connect our 16×2 LCD display to our Attiny2313 PORTB. Again for simplicity the code is written …
This example is the hello world of LCD examples, we display that text on the LCD in question. Connection is straightforward and you can see it at the top of …
A couple of simple examples, we used an RGB LED breakout. This was a common anode type, so to switch an LED on you need to switch the appropriate port …