In this simple example for a Digispark board we connect an 128 x 64 OLED display to it. We will then use the Arduino IDE to write a sketch and upload it to the board.
I used an OLIMEXINO-85 but a basic Digispark will work as well
Its an I2C OLED so its easy to connect to the Digispark boards
A Digispark, OLED and some wires to connect the OLED to the Digispark
£2.19 from Aliexpress | |
£1.19 from Aliexpress | |
£1.18 from Aliexpress | |
This uses the DigisparkOLED library which is installed
[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]
#include <DigisparkOLED.h> #include <Wire.h> // ============================================================================ void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: oled.begin(); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: oled.fill(0xFF); //fill screen with color delay(1000); oled.clear(); //all black delay(1000); //usage: oled.setCursor(X IN PIXELS, Y IN ROWS OF 8 PIXELS STARTING WITH 0); oled.setCursor(0, 0); //top left oled.setFont(FONT8X16); oled.print(F("DIGISTUMP")); //wrap strings in F() to save RAM! oled.setFont(FONT6X8); oled.print(F(" OLED!")); oled.setCursor(0, 2); //two rows down because the 8x16 font takes two rows of 8 oled.println(F("test")); //println will move the cursor 8 or 16 pixels down (based on the front) and back to X=0 oled.print(F("test test test test test")); //lines auto wrap delay(3000); }