A while back I bought an Intel Galileo 2 and recently noticed that in the Arduino IDE 1.6.5 via the boards manager that the board was supported. Rather than go over the same ground you can see how to setup the IDE and board via the links below
I am running Windows 7 64 Bit and needed to download a serial driver for the Galileo, here is the link
In the basic example we added a Sensor shield 5 to the Galileo 2 and then connected an RGB led to this using digital pin 8, 9 and 10, here is a picture of this
[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]
int red = 8; int green =9; int blue =10; int j; void setup() { pinMode(red,OUTPUT); pinMode(green,OUTPUT); pinMode(blue,OUTPUT); } void loop() { for (j = 1; j < 10000; j++) { analogWrite(red,random(255)); delay (random(10,31)); analogWrite(green,random(255)); delay (random(10,31)); analogWrite(blue,random(255)); delay (random(10,31)); } }
Here is a video of the code running