Just a couple of rainbow shield examples that will randomly light up the various LEDs with different colours [codesyntax lang=”cpp”] #include <Rainbowduino.h> void setup() { Rb.init(); } unsigned char …
A while back I bought an Intel Galileo 2 and recently noticed that in the Arduino IDE 1.6.5 via the boards manager that the board was supported. Rather than go …
The BMP180 is a new digital barometric pressure sensor of Bosch Sensortec, with a very high performance, which enables applications in advanced mobile devices, such as smart phones, tablet PCs …
The SHT21 has a capacitive sensor element to measure humidity, while the temperature is measured by a band gap sensor. Both sensors are seamlessly coupled to a 14-bit ADC, which then …
In this example we connect an RGB led to our MSP-EXP430G2 launchpad and flash the red, green and blue colours Schematic I actually had an RGB breakout attached the the …
This is a basic ‘hello world’ example for the MSP430G2 LaunchPad, this example uses the Energia development environment. For people who have used the Arduino development environment you will recognize the …
The MQ-2 is a fairly low cost sensor that can detect LPG, i-butane, propane, methane ,alcohol, Hydrogen, smoke. There are a wide variety of shields and modules that can be bought …
Another feature of the Arduino Esplora is a built in RGB LED, again its fairly simple to use this using the writeRGB function. You can see the RGB led in …
This example will read the temperature using the built in temperature sensor on the Arduino Esplora and display it on the LCD Code [codesyntax lang=”cpp”] #include <Esplora.h> #include <TFT.h> …
Recently I had problems getting my Arduino and ethernet shield working correctly, I found the following code which basically reports via the serial monitor whether the SD card is available …