I had one of the Rainbowduino/ColorDuino type shields in my box of parts, so I decided to throw up a quick example. The Rainbowduino can be use to drive 8×8 …
In this example we connect a 16×2 LCD with an I2C backpack, this backpack allows us to only use 2 pins to connect our LCD to an Arduino, so if …
In this example we connect an LDR to an analog pin of our Chipkit Uno32, depending on the reading we will then vary how bright an LED will be lit …
This is a first example with the ST Nucleo F334R8 board, this uses the mbed online compiler. here is a picture of the board In this example we flash the …
In this example I connected a Sainsmart LCD shield to the ChipKIT uno32, this is a common shield featuring a 16×2 LCD and 6 push button switches. In this example …
Recently I was browsing some electronic sites looking at some of the development boards and kits that are available when I noticed the Chipkit UNO, this was advertised as being …
In a previous example, we connected a DS18b20 to our Raspberry PI and measured and displayed the temperature, in a slight twist what about if we acted on this reading …
In this example we connect a DS18b20 temperature sensor to our Raspberry PI and read in the value, here is the schematic for this. Start the terminal and entering …
In our previous example we flashed an LED on, here are another couple of examples This will flash the led on and off [codesyntax lang=”python”] import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import …
In the following example we will connect an LED and resistor to pin 7 of P1 on our Raspberry PI and we will flash an LED on, here is a …