In this example we connect a push button switch to RD0 when the button is pressed we will light an LED(s), when the button is not pressed the LED(s) will not …
In this example we connect an RGB led to PORT C 0 – 2 of our PIC16F877A. Again we are using the Ql 200 PIC development board. The RGB LED …
In this example we will connect an LDR to an Attiny85, once the value read drops below a certain value we will switch an LED on. For this example we …
As an experiment I wanted to use the Arduino IDE to write code for an Attiny85, I didn’t have an ISP shield at that point and couldn’t be bothered making …
This was a little no frills breakout board I designed for Attiny 8 pin chips, minimal components but I had a few requirements that I wanted to meet. 1. ISP …
Similar to our previous example, in this case we connect 3 LEDs up to Pin 5, 6 and 7 which are PB0,1 and 2 Here is the schematic for this …
The hello world of examples this time for an ATTINY85, although this should work with similar chips as well. We will connect the LED to pin 2 (PB3) and simply …
In this example we will connect an RGB led to our Pic 18F4520 Port D. We will then light the red, green and blue individually. We will connect this up as …
This is a simple ‘Hello world’ type example. This was to test out a PIc18F4520 development board that I purchased, the board comes with 8 LED’s connected to PORT B. …
This is a shield that I decided to buy, it was a nice beginner related board with some basic functions. Here is a picture of the board, a few code …