In this example we will add an Arduino LCD shield to a ST Nucleo F334R8. This is a 16×2 LCD Keypad module for Arduino Diecimila Duemilanove, UNO, MEGA1280, MEGA2.
Here is a picture of this shield
The code is for the mBed online compiler at https://developer.mbed.org/ and uses the freetronics LCD library
[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]
#include "mbed.h" #include "freetronicsLCDShield.h" freetronicsLCDShield lcd(D8, D9, D4, D5, D6, D7, D1, A0); int main() { lcd.cls(); // print the first line and wait 3 sec lcd.printf("LCD test"); wait(3); // print the counter prefix; the number will be printed in the while loop lcd.setCursorPosition(1, 0); lcd.printf("seconds : "); int i=1; while (i++) { lcd.setCursorPosition(1, 11); lcd.printf("%d", i); wait(1); } }