In this ESP8266 project we will create a UV detector using a Wemos Mini connected to a triple base shield and with a TFT 1.44 shield fitted as well. We …
This was a 128 x 32 OLED display that I purchased , the module does not need a backlight, self-illumination, the display performance is better than the traditional LCD display, …
We are going to look at a WS2812b led or neopixel in this example, again we use a Wemos mini and an RGB LED shield Lets take a look a …
In this particular example we are going to display temperature readings from a DHT11 on an OLED display, we will be using a Wemos mini and a variety of shields …
In this particular example we are going to simply display visible light measurements from a OPT3001 sensor on an OLED display. We will be using various Wemos MIni shields and …