This is a basic ‘hello world’ example for the MSP430G2 LaunchPad, this example uses the Energia development environment. For people who have used the Arduino development environment you will recognize the …
In this example we connect an LDR to an analog pin of our Chipkit Uno32, depending on the reading we will then vary how bright an LED will be lit …
In our previous example we flashed an LED on, here are another couple of examples This will flash the led on and off [codesyntax lang=”python”] import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import …
The concept of a dark activated light is quite simple, we use a light dependent resistor (LDR) to an ADC pin on our PIC micro, we then read in a …
In this example we will connect an LDR to an Attiny85, once the value read drops below a certain value we will switch an LED on. For this example we …
The hello world of examples this time for an ATTINY85, although this should work with similar chips as well. We will connect the LED to pin 2 (PB3) and simply …